Are you billing R4HA (Advanced Workload License Charging or Country Multiplex Pricing), planning to switch to TFP – Tailored Fit Pricing or have you already been confronted with the switch?
Each of these IBM accounting methods has its own capacity planning, monitoring and accounting requirements.
In all cases, or even during the changeover, we can support you with our many years of experience in IBM pricing.
Controlled capacity planning based on the R4HA can be reliably implemented using conventional methods. Since its introduction, group capacity, defined capacity, absolute capping for individual LPARs and a combination of these options have proven their worth. Statically or supported by a tool also dynamically.
This has given you the ability to control and keep your monthly Sub Capacity Report (SCRT) transparent and thus the monthly invoice from IBM for many years!
However, this approach, the controlled limitation of consumption with conventional capping methods, is not completely eliminated with TFP. In order not to reach hardware limits, it is necessary to regulate time-uncritical LPARs such as development before the expected peak times. Also 3rd party products require control as long as the contracts are based on “MIPS on the floor” or R4HA.
We can help you plan before and after the switch to TFP.